Friday, January 6, 2012

Food for thought...just kidding =)

7) What advice does the teenage-you have for your future 35-year-old self?
Dear future Kautilya by the age of 35 if you will need to read your advice which you gave when you were seventeen years old, you should get help. That being said now looking at present day problems of people your age it would seem to me that you have money or relationship problems. Well as a gentle reminder I must tell you that our first aim is to be rich and have enough money to enjoy life. Since you are reading this you should know what the teenage you considered an enjoyable life to be. The first thing you should have enough money to attend a world cup which would be around soon and by this age you should have already seen some. And as a Chelsea fan you should be watching the season games regularly. You should be enjoying with friends and not forgetting family. Well by now I expect you to have chosen a religion or created one. The past you really suggests; a faith as it does seem to an important part of your life. Remember you are satisfied with your money and your confused go to Woodstock school. Now that school is where your child hood was and you love it there. Now if this is not the advice you’re looking for relationship advice well that’s easy. If you’re married that’s game over and teenage me is disappointed in you. Just remember future Kautilya none of these things really matter if you are truly happy. I doubt that eighteen years from today a person who is not rich could be happy looking at the economy it seems as if the world is going to be filled with expenses. Just remember have fun, no matter what happens.

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