Monday, January 30, 2012

Murder in the name of honor.

one two..three.. four...

Three Canadian citizens who are immigrants from Afghanistan were convicted guilty of the so called honor killing that they committed. There were three bodies found in Ontario. The body was of three teenage girls. The girl’s mother, father and brother have been given twenty five years of prison. The father had denied the girls wanted choose their own boyfriend and go against their own values therefore this offended their father and he decided these young women don’t deserve to live. Very clear evidence shows us that the father was angry and in one of recording he referred to his daughters as whores. While other clear evidence such as four bodies being found near where they had travelled and the decision to murder was taken after the 19 year old girl decided to take shelter somewhere else. The mother who was also found dead wanted to support their daughters and she too was murdered.

Vocab 1

Prosecution: The institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.

The prosecution alleged Mohammed, Tooba and Hamed drowned their four victims, placed their bodies in the car and then pushed it into the canal with the family's other car.

In Woodstock school we should start a system where there are defenders and prosecutors. This system would be there to defy the big decisions for example we need the food to be better most probably the a student would be on the side which agrees and the one of Narang’s men on the defending. The jury to be the judge

Vocab 2

Notion: A conception of or belief about something.

The apparent reason behind these cold shameful murders was that four (victims) offended your twisted notion of honour,

It was made clear to me in ninth grade that student council of woodsock school actually has power is a deceiving notion.

Vocab 3

Verdict: An opinion or judgment.

After the verdict was read out, Mohammad Shafia, speaking through a translator

After the verdict on some major rule breaking events in Woodstock school even breaking the minor rules can get one in to immense trouble.

Clearly these “honor killings” need to stop. Atleast there are some new and old movies touching on this subject which helps the public get aware. In a very menial way does the move called the girl wih the dragon tattoo I touches this subject. The movie is about many girls who get killed for being jews. This was done by a former nazi and his son. They actually took pride in doing this heinous act. But luckily all was sorted and people were happy, the end.

1 comment:

  1. This shows how backward our society can be, even after we have come so long and far from where we started . You've summarized the story quite well, aside from a few grammatical errors. And I also noticed that this post really speaks for the name of your blog: burns for freedom. Good choice.
