Thursday, January 12, 2012

well it all depends on the rules..?

6) Three wishes
The last time I really gave thought to this question which has abound answers was in fifth grade. But the fascination of the question has abraded since those good old days. I have instead acclimated to not knowing the answer instead. Yet there is obviously one wish that always comes to mind and it makes me wonder if it’s against the rules to just wish for another thousand wishes. Yes that would be my first wish of the original three to get a thousand wishes. My second wish would be for world poverty to end. Yes this may sound cliché but its only because I have another thousand wishes to get all the riches and other things in the world therefore my second wish would be to end world poverty. I imagine if poverty is put to an end then we could get something close to a utopian world. This world would not have to me a communist one but a democratic one. The third wish would simply be all the happiness for my family and friends. Now the these three wishes would be my original wishes and I would obviously have a thousand wishes left for myself. With everything going good in the world I would make another great wish which is worth a mention and it would be to show god if there is one. This would ultimately answer the question of faith and of heaven or hell. This would finally be the day we find out if religion is the greatest prank played by humans or the greatest thing that happened to humans. I am never against any religion but some of the followers of that religion do disgust me as they would kill to prove there peaceful religion is correct. These wishes obviously being that the first wish will be allowed but if not the wishes would be different and the question would be on another level.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your answer, especially the part where you said that the fascination with which you approach the question has eroded. It may sound precocious and even pretentious to say this, but even though I'm only in high school still, I don't have much hope that the world is going to get any better, whatever the photo montages of aid workers in impoverished areas of the world might say. I would expect that you would have to go through multiple loopholes to get your wishes: applications, interviews, denials, compensation for being denied.
    Personally, I think that history partly answers your question about religion, though of course I may be wrong. In Europe alone, I think the Crusades were enough. In India, there are countless examples where people get incredibly bigoted and pocket money under the table in the name of salvation or greater human justice. That said, I hope you get your wishes and that the answer to that last thing doesn't disappoint you.

    And since Mr. Plonka wants us also to say how to improve, I would say... grammar? I mean, you probably wrote this in 30 minutes, so I don't think it's a real problem.

    I happen to feel rant-y today, so sorry for the really long post. Won't happen again.
